about the cheque business - a division of PCF
Started in 1983 'in the spare bedroom, PCF is now a recognised provider of 'end to end' input and output solutions.
Our business started with a focus on print requirements such as direct mail, forms, cheques and brochures.
However, each time print technology has developed, PCF has ensured that its product range continues to include the very latest systems to ensure our clients have the most appropriate methods to improve efficiencies and reduce cost.
PCF's range still includes its traditional print business but over the last 5 years additional products such as Create!form Document Management software to replace pre-printed continuous stationery has been introduced.
This product enables users to replace all their output pre-print with plain A4 laser sheets with options to auto email and fax and archive instead of always printing out 'hard copy' forms.
Linking this to our many years of experience in designing and supplying cheques we now have a complete laser cheque production system which exceeds the security requirements specified by APACS.
Our range of the latest high speed black/white and colour laser printers fully complements these output solutions.
Included in our eforms Officeforms range are Workflow products to manage the collection of data with screen based, XML compliant electronic forms, already being used by many government departments to reduce their administration overhead costs.
Labels with or without barcodes are now a significant part of PCF's business and this area has now been developed to include the very latest label printers, software and scanning systems. The newest RF cordless readers are now provided with a range of up to 50 metres from the host station (and multiple host stations can be 'daisy chain' linked to provide massive total area coverage).
Continuing our 'end to end' solution strategy we now have our StageIT ticket and theatre management system which has been developed for the smaller theatre looking for affordable software that provides a professional interface with their audience.
Why choose PCF?
Firstly because we have a very wide and detailed knowledge of the business areas we work in and secondly because our offerings always combine the use of the very latest technology with extreme price competitiveness.
We really try to make a positive difference to your business while being friendly and business like in all our contacts.
To prove our consistent level of quality support we have clients on today's active account database that started working with us back in 1983.
Who do we work with?
Lots of organisations large and small. Some of our UK household name clients include Ladbrokes, Littlewoods, Mothercare, National Trust, Pirelli, Virgin Atlantic together with many local authorities, health trusts and police authorities.
What next?
Just follow the links from our home page or use the site search facility to find the product or service you would like more details on, then click here to e-mail us or phone us on
for any further advice or guidance that you require.
We look forward to you contacting us.